
Level Up Your Fishing Skills with Video Learning

fishing videos from In The Spread teaching new skills


In-depth instructional fishing videos are highly beneficial for fishermen looking to improve their skill set for several reasons:

  1. Technique Demonstration: Videos provide visual demonstrations of fishing techniques, which are often easier to understand and replicate than written or verbal instructions. This includes showing how to cast, reel in, and handle fish properly.

  2. Equipment Usage: They can offer insights into the appropriate use of various fishing equipment, including rods, reels, baits, and lures. This helps fishermen to use their gear more effectively.

  3. Species-Specific Strategies: Instructional videos often include species-specific tips, teaching anglers how to target different types of fish, which is crucial for successful fishing.

  4. Environmental Adaptation: They can educate fishermen on how to adapt to different fishing environments, like freshwater, saltwater, river, or lake fishing, each of which requires different techniques and approaches.

  5. Safety and Conservation: Such videos can also emphasize the importance of safety measures and conservation practices, ensuring sustainable and responsible fishing.

Regarding www.inthespread.com, this platform can assist in the following ways:

  • Expert Guidance: The website likely offers content created by experienced and professional anglers, providing credible and high-quality information.

  • Diverse Content: They might cover a wide range of fishing topics, from beginner to advanced techniques, catering to a broad audience.

  • Interactive Learning: The site could offer interactive elements like Q&A sessions, webinars, or forums, where fishermen can engage directly with experts and fellow anglers.

  • Updated Information: They might provide updated content reflecting the latest trends, techniques, and regulations in the fishing world, which is crucial for staying current in the sport.

  • Convenience: Online platforms like www.inthespread.com offer the convenience of learning at one's own pace and schedule, making it easier for busy individuals to enhance their skills.

In summary, in-depth instructional fishing videos are an effective tool for skill enhancement due to their visual, comprehensive, and practical approach. Platforms like In The Spread can further aid this learning by offering expert-driven, diverse, and interactive content that is accessible and up-to-date.

 Here is an example of how In The Spread transfers knowledge from great fishermen to you. Learn How to Set Lure Spreads.


Copyright © 2023, Full Throttle Media, Inc. Share the experience, sell the dream...Full Throttle Media! FTM #fullthrottlemedia #inthespread #sethhorne

Fitness Shaming


fit shamming in the workplace

Dealing with fit shaming in the workplace can be a challenging and sensitive issue. Here are some steps an employee can take if they find themselves in such a situation:

  1. Document the Incidents: Keep a detailed record of any comments or behaviors that constitute fit shaming. Note the date, time, what was said or done, and any witnesses. This documentation can be crucial if the situation escalates or if you need to report the behavior.

  2. Address the Behavior Directly: If you feel safe and comfortable doing so, consider addressing the individual who is engaging in the shaming. Sometimes, people are not aware of the impact of their words or actions. A calm, direct conversation explaining how their behavior affects you can sometimes resolve the issue.

  3. Seek Support from Colleagues: If you have colleagues you trust, discuss the situation with them. They may offer support, advice, or even corroborate your experiences if they have witnessed the behavior.

  4. Report to a Supervisor or HR: If the behavior continues or is severe, report the issue to your supervisor or the human resources department. Use the documentation you have collected to present a clear and factual account of what has been happening.

  5. Familiarize Yourself with Company Policies: Review your company’s policies on harassment and workplace behavior. Understanding these policies can help you navigate the situation and know what to expect from the reporting process.

  6. Seek External Support: If the situation is affecting your mental or emotional well-being, consider seeking support from a counselor or therapist. They can provide strategies for coping with the stress and emotional impact of the situation.

  7. Know Your Rights: In some cases, fit shaming may cross the line into harassment or discrimination, which are illegal in many jurisdictions. Familiarize yourself with your legal rights in the workplace.

  8. Consider Escalation or Legal Action: If the situation does not improve or if your employer fails to take appropriate action, consider seeking legal advice. An attorney specializing in employment law can provide guidance on your options.

  9. Take Care of Yourself: Remember to prioritize your well-being. Engage in self-care practices and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  10. Plan for the Future: If the workplace environment does not improve, consider your long-term career goals and whether remaining in that environment is beneficial for your professional growth and personal well-being.

Every situation is unique, so it's important to assess your specific circumstances and decide on the best course of action for you. Remember that you have the right to a safe and respectful work environment.


Copyright © 2023, Full Throttle Media, Inc. Share the experience, sell the dream...Full Throttle Media! FTM #fullthrottlemedia #inthespread #sethhorne


Revolutionizing Fishing Skills: How In The Spread's Educational Tools Propel Angler Expertise


tap into the power of In The Spread fishing videos

The benefits to fishermen of using the educational tools provided by In The Spread (www.inthespread.com) are substantial and diverse, catering to both novices and seasoned anglers. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Acquisition of Advanced Skills: The platform offers an array of quality educational fishing videos, revolutionizing the way fishermen learn and hone their skills. It provides high-level fishing knowledge, which is essential in advancing the abilities of fishermen, regardless of their experience level​.
  2.  Comprehensive Instructional Content: In The Spread functions as an online library of instructional fishing videos. These videos encompass a wide range of topics including tackle preparation, boat setup and driving, boat positioning, locating fish, making presentations, and understanding various rigs, baits, lures, and fishing philosophies​.  
  3. Staying Updated with Industry Innovations: The fishing industry is constantly evolving with new gear, lures, techniques, and electronics. Utilizing these instructional videos helps fishermen stay ahead of the curve by empowering their fishing with the latest information and innovations​.
  4. Learning from Experienced Fishermen: The platform allows users to gain insights from some of the world’s most accomplished fishermen. This access to top-tier expertise and experience is invaluable for those looking to elevate their fishing skills and knowledge​.
  5. Access to Varied Techniques and Tactics: In The Spread provides a platform where fishermen can learn various techniques and tactics from experienced anglers. This diversity in content ensures a well-rounded learning experience, beneficial for developing a versatile skill set in fishing​

In summary, www.inthespread.com offers fishermen a comprehensive and advanced learning experience. Through its educational tools, anglers can enhance their skills, stay updated with the latest industry trends, learn from experienced professionals, and access a broad range of fishing techniques and tactics.


Copyright © 2023, Full Throttle Media, Inc. Share the experience, sell the dream...Full Throttle Media! FTM #fullthrottlemedia #inthespread #sethhorne


Shark Finning: A Cruel Practice

shark finning

Shark finning involves the inhumane practice of cutting off the fins of sharks and discarding the remainder of their bodies, often while the sharks are still alive. This brutal process is driven by the high demand for shark fins to make shark fin soup, a traditional delicacy in some Asian cultures. Shark finning poses a significant threat to global shark populations and marine ecosystems. However, concerted efforts to combat this issue offer hope for the future.

The Harsh Reality of Shark Finning

  • Shark finning is an extremely wasteful practice - the fins account for only about 5% of a shark's total weight, yet finners toss the rest of the shark's body back into the ocean once the fins are removed. This means that per pound of fin produced, 20 pounds of shark are wasted.

  • Without their fins, sharks cannot swim and regulate their buoyancy. Most die from suffocation or predation. Shark finning is an incredibly inhumane practice.

  • Up to 73 million sharks are killed every year for their fins. Some shark species such as hammerheads, oceanic whitetip, and thresher sharks are facing extinction due to the shark fin trade.

  • Shark finning disrupts marine ecosystems. As apex predators, sharks play an important role in regulating the populations of other marine life. The disappearance of sharks has ecological consequences.

Cultural Drivers of Shark Fin Demand

  • Shark fin soup is considered a luxury item and a status symbol in some Asian cultures. It is often served at weddings, banquets, and business meetings.

  • The high price of shark fins, which can cost $400 per pound, drives fishers to engage in shark finning.

  • Misconceptions about shark fins' health and medicinal benefits also fuel demand. However, there is no scientific evidence for claims that shark fins can cure cancer or boost sexual potency.

  • Estimates value the global shark fin trade at $400 million to over $550 million annually. Hong Kong handles at least 50% of the global fin trade.

Efforts to Combat Shark Finning

Legislation Many countries have banned shark finning in their waters and prohibited the trade of shark fins. The U.S., the EU, Australia, Canada, and others have regulations.
Awareness campaigns Groups like WildAid work to educate consumers and debunk myths about shark fins' benefits through media campaigns. Their message has reached up to 1.5 billion people.
Airline bans Major airlines including Cathay Pacific, Singapore Airlines, Emirates, and United no longer transport shark fins as cargo. This limits the shark fin trade.
DNA testing New DNA barcoding technology helps identify shark species from their fins, enabling better monitoring and restrictions.
Sustainable fishing Promoting careful release of live sharks, using shark bodies fully, quotas, and other sustainable fishing methods preserves shark populations.
Grassroots activism Anti-shark finning campaigns have gained momentum globally thanks to grassroots efforts and engaged citizens.

"The path to ending shark finning must comprise global awareness, impactful education, smart policy, and inspired activism. Together, we can protect sharks from this brutal practice." - Cristina Zenato, shark conservationist

Ongoing Threats Facing Sharks

  • Overfishing remains a concern. Even when shark finning is banned, sharks may be overfished for their meat, liver oil, and other body parts.

  • Illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing accounts for up to 26 million sharks killed annually. More monitoring and enforcement are needed.

  • Bycatch continues to threaten shark species. Sharks caught accidentally by fishing vessels targeting tuna and swordfish are often killed or left to die after release.

  • Climate change and habitat destruction also endanger shark populations already impacted by overfishing. Coral reef loss, rising ocean temperatures, and ocean acidification degrade shark habitats.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic slowed consumer demand for shark fins, but trade is rebounding as restrictions ease. Continued awareness and policy efforts must persist.

reef shark swimming on the reef

Looking Ahead: Building a More Sustainable Future

  • Education about sharks' importance and the cruelty of finning can transform attitudes and reduce consumer demand. Children's education is key.

  • Innovation such as shark ecotourism, shark sanctuaries, and technological monitoring provides alternatives to finning. Ecotourism makes sharks more valuable alive than dead.

  • International agreements and knowledge sharing between countries creates unified standards for protecting migratory shark species across geopolitical lines.

  • Grassroots activism is vital to keep up pressure on governments and corporations. Social media empowers everyday citizens to have an impact.

  • Persistence in ongoing campaigns is essential, even as progress occurs. Hard-won regulations must continue to be enforced, and awareness reinforced.

While shark finning persists as a threat, the actions of governments, businesses, NGOs, and ordinary citizens offer hope that we can safeguard the future of sharks and our oceans. United, we can drive change.

 See my article from 2010 on the shark finning issue: https://www.fullthrottlemedia.com/2010/06/shark-fins.html


Copyright © 2023, Full Throttle Media, Inc. Share the experience, sell the dream...Full Throttle Media! FTM #fullthrottlemedia #inthespread #sethhorne


Top 5 Toughest Fighting Gamefish in the Ocean


The toughest fighting fish in the ocean for recreational sport fishing is often subjective and can vary depending on personal experiences and regional fishing conditions. However, several species are frequently mentioned for their challenging nature:

  1. Blue Marlin: Renowned for its incredible size and strength, the Blue Marlin is a prized catch among sport fishermen. It's known for its powerful runs and spectacular jumps.

  2. Swordfish: Swordfish are not only elusive but also known for their strength and endurance. They can put up a long, hard fight, making them a challenging and sought-after catch.

  3. Tuna (especially Bluefin Tuna): Tuna, and especially the Bluefin variety, are highly prized for their speed and strength. They are capable of long, fast runs and can test the skill and gear of even the most experienced anglers.

  4. Giant Trevally: The Giant Trevally, found in tropical waters, is known for its aggressive strikes and powerful fights. It's a popular target for fly fishermen and traditional anglers alike.

  5. Tarpon: Often referred to as the "Silver King," Tarpon are famous for their acrobatic jumps and powerful runs. They are a favorite among saltwater fly fishermen.

Each of these species presents a unique challenge and requires specific techniques and gear to successfully catch. The choice of the "toughest" can vary depending on individual experiences and preferences.

A website like www.inthespread.com can significantly help fishermen with their desire to improve their skills and catch more fish through various educational and instructional resources. Here's how:

  1. Expanding Fishing Knowledge: The site offers a broad range of fishing videos designed to enhance fishing prowess. These videos aim to educate, train, and equip users with the knowledge to succeed in any fishing situation, featuring lessons from some of the best sport fishermen​ 
  2.  In-Depth Tutorials on Tackle and Techniques: It provides expert-led tutorials on the intricacies of sport fishing tackle, helping users master the art of saltwater angling. These tutorials cover the science behind rods, reels, baits, and lures, enabling fishermen to refine their tactics and optimize their gear for better catches​ 
  3. Access to Seasoned Angler Expertise: As a leading platform in sport fishing instructional media, In The Spread offers an extensive collection of fishing videos. These resources are designed to make viewers more seasoned anglers, equipped with knowledge from world-renowned fishermen
  4. Advanced Learning System for New Tactics and Techniques: The site's advanced learning system offers the most in-depth and diverse knowledge transfer in sport fishing. This includes new tactics and techniques that can be directly applied to improve fishing outcomes​

Overall, www.inthespread.com serves as a comprehensive educational platform for both novice and experienced fishermen, offering a wealth of information to enhance fishing skills and increase success rates in fishing endeavors.


Copyright © 2023, Full Throttle Media, Inc. Share the experience, sell the dream...Full Throttle Media! FTM #fullthrottlemedia #inthespread #sethhorne


The 15 Best Foods to Stimulate the Brain for Creative Professionals


Eating a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining overall health, and certain foods can particularly benefit brain function, which is essential for those in creative professions. Here are some foods known for their positive impact on brain health:

  1. Fatty Fish: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are key for brain health. Omega-3s play a role in sharpening memory and improving mood, as well as protecting against cognitive decline. Examples include salmon, trout, and sardines.

  2. Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants that may delay brain aging and improve memory.

  3. Turmeric: This deep-yellow spice has generated interest for its potential to boost brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a type of growth hormone that helps brain cells grow. It may also help clear amyloid plaques seen in Alzheimer's and improve memory.

  4. Broccoli: High in antioxidants and vitamin K, which is believed to support brain health.

  5. Pumpkin Seeds: Contain powerful antioxidants and a rich source of magnesium, iron, zinc, and copper. Each of these nutrients is important for brain health.

  6. Dark Chocolate: Contains flavonoids, caffeine, and antioxidants. The flavonoids in chocolate may help protect the brain. Studies have suggested that eating chocolate could boost both memory and mood.

  7. Nuts: Especially walnuts, which have high levels of DHA, a type of Omega-3 fatty acid. Nuts in general are also good sources of the antioxidant vitamin E, which protects cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

  8. Oranges: A single medium-sized orange can provide enough vitamin C for the day. This key vitamin helps prevent mental decline and supports overall brain health.

  9. Eggs: A great source of several nutrients tied to brain health, including vitamins B6 and B12, folate, and choline. Choline is particularly important for brain function and mental health.

  10. Green Tea: As well as improving alertness, it can also enhance brain function. The caffeine in green tea boosts brain function. In addition, green tea has other components, like L-theanine, which can cross the blood-brain barrier and improve the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps reduce anxiety and makes you feel more relaxed but focused.

  11. Whole Grains: Rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, whole grains like oats, barley, and quinoa can support healthy brain function.

  12. Avocados: A source of healthy unsaturated fat, avocados can support brain health. They may help improve cognitive function, particularly in memory and concentration.

  13. Leafy Green Vegetables: Vegetables like kale, spinach, collards, and broccoli are rich in brain-healthy nutrients like vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene.

  14. Beets: They can improve blood flow to the brain, which can help improve mental performance.

  15. Coffee: Known for its caffeine content, coffee can enhance brain function by increasing alertness and improving mood and concentration.

Remember, while these foods are beneficial for brain health, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are equally important. Regular exercise, adequate sleep, hydration, and stress management are also crucial for optimal brain function and creativity.



Copyright © 2023, Full Throttle Media, Inc. Share the experience, sell the dream...Full Throttle Media! FTM #fullthrottlemedia #inthespread #sethhorne


10 Ways to Keep Your Creativity Flowing


Creative professionals often employ a variety of strategies to find continual inspiration for producing engaging and sensational content. Here are some common approaches:

  1. Diverse Experiences: Engaging with a wide range of experiences, cultures, and environments can stimulate creativity. Travel, attending events, trying new hobbies, or simply changing daily routines can provide fresh perspectives and ideas.

  2. Constant Learning: Staying curious and continually learning about different subjects, trends, and techniques keeps the creative mind active. This could involve reading books, watching documentaries, attending workshops, or exploring other fields of study.

  3. Networking and Collaboration: Interacting with other creative individuals can spark new ideas. Collaboration often leads to a synergy where the combined creativity of the group exceeds what individuals could achieve alone.

  4. Observation and Mindfulness: Paying close attention to the world around, noticing small details, and reflecting on personal experiences can be a rich source of inspiration. Mindfulness practices can help in becoming more observant and present.

  5. Regular Practice and Discipline: Creativity is often not just about inspiration but also about discipline. Regularly practicing one's craft, even when not feeling particularly inspired, can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and ideas.

  6. Consuming a Wide Range of Media and Art: Exposing oneself to a variety of media (books, movies, music, art) provides a wealth of ideas and styles to draw from. Understanding what resonates with audiences in different media can also be insightful.

  7. Using Technology and Tools: Digital tools and platforms can offer new ways to create and express ideas. From graphic design software to social media for trend-spotting, technology is a valuable ally for modern creatives.

  8. Personal Projects and Experimentation: Working on personal projects, free from the constraints of client briefs or commercial goals, allows creatives to explore new ideas and techniques without pressure, often leading to innovative work.

  9. Physical Activity and Nature: Physical activities like walking, yoga, or spending time in nature can help clear the mind, reduce stress, and foster a conducive mental space for creativity.

  10. Keeping a Journal or Idea Log: Documenting thoughts, sketches, and observations can serve as a resource to revisit when seeking inspiration. Sometimes, ideas need time to mature and a journal can help in tracking this evolution.

Ultimately, the key is to maintain a balance between seeking new experiences and influences, while also dedicating time to hone and apply one's creative skills.




Copyright © 2023, Full Throttle Media, Inc. Share the experience, sell the dream...Full Throttle Media! FTM #fullthrottlemedia #inthespread #sethhorne