Learn How to Catch World Class Permit with "In the Spread"

Learn professional level tactics and techniques to catch world class permit with the soon to be released In the Spread Permit Fishing instructional video. The Full Throttle Media production team and RJ Boyle traveled to Stuart, Florida to check out the permit action with sport fishing ninja Capt. Scott Fawcett. We really were not prepared for what he had in store for us. You know, Stuart, Florida is not one of those places you think of when permit come to mind, but it should be. Wow! By all accounts, the fishery there is as good as it gets for site casting to schools of giant permit. You are lucky to boat 4-5 fish in a day. The reason for that is it takes an hour+ to just get these beasts to the boat. Sick! This is all the action you can handle on super light weight tackle.

In the Spread should have this video online by the middle of April. Stay tuned to learn from one of the best. Capt. Scott Fawcett shares his secrets on the tackle, stalking techniques, boat handling, baits, the rig, casting to moving schools and much more in our action packed new video. If you want to catch one of these life changing fish, visit Captain Scott Fawcett’s website http://www.offthechainfishing.com and book a trip.

Learn how to catch world class permit with In the Spread and much on the world’s #1 source for sport fishing instructional videos.

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